
Bag Lady

| Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bag Lady, originally uploaded by Amanda McConville.

This woman was walking around talking to herself. I love to find interesting people to photograph. I tend to photograph strangers from the back.



choices., originally uploaded by Amanda McConville.

Got a cool perspective from on top of one of our many bridges downtown. Added some "film grain" for a cool effect.



Chuck Brown Photography

This section is still in the process of being worked on. Think you have a cool photoblog? Let me know by leaving me a comment on this page with your name and URL! Thanks!



Welcome to Amanda McConville Photography: The Blog!

This is more of a personal reflection of my photography.

My professional website can be found here:

Feel free to contact me from that site if you are in the market for a wedding photographer, portrait photographer, or a photographer for any type of vent or situation.

I will also be offering original stock photography and artistic prints for sale!
This blog is going to be a collaboration of various things... blogging about recent professional endeavors, photography tips and tricks, posting recent photos and trying to keep up with a "daily photos" project as well as other various projects.

Enjoy your visit! Feel free to contact me at any time: